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red pine中文是什么意思

用"red pine"造句"red pine"怎么读"red pine" in a sentence"red pine"的同义词


  • 红粉
  • 红松
  • 美国赤松


  • Qualitative analysis on a kind of red pine woods system
  • The dynamic behavior of natural red pine woods ecological system
  • Price of red pine logs to .
  • So if not red pines , where was the real money changing hands
  • Thousands of worshippers gather in the front courtyard on holidays to worship wong tai sin ( also known as " red pine hill deity " ) because it is said that he can " make every wish come true "
    黄大仙祠始建于1921年,奉拜黄大仙(又称赤松仙子) ,据说黄大仙有求必应,签文灵验,所以信众渐多。
  • It is said that wong tai sin ( also known as huang chu - ping ) was born in lan xi city of jin hua county in zhejiang province around 328 and later became a deity at heng shan ( also known as the red pine hill )
  • I have watered the red huckleberry , the sand cherry and the nettle - tree , the red pine and the black ash , the white grape and the yellow violet , which might have withered else in dry seasons
  • Especially in the north slope , the broad - leaved wood of red pine , the animal ( insect ) , plant ( tall tree , shrub , herb ) and the tree grows plentiful . the living creature is numerous , and the complete vegetative chain of formation is with the food net , provided the proper and living space for the animal ( insect ) and plant ( tall tree , shrub , herb )
    长白山作为我国北方温带地区最高的山峰,保存了最为典型和完整的森林生态系统,特别是在长白山北坡的红松阔叶林带,树种丰富,生物繁多,形成完整的食物链和食物网,对生活于其中的动物(昆虫) 、植物(乔木、灌木、草本)提供了适宜的生活空间。
  • The research object of this paper is the broad - leaved wood of red pine in north slope of changbai mountain . by analyzing the composition , construction , biodiversity and season diversity of forest community , we probed the rule of the forest community changing with the season and the ecological effect of forest insect community affected by forest plant community , appraised firstly regulating ability of forest ecosystem on forest pest and estimated finally effect of forest insect on ecosystem health
用"red pine"造句  


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